Peace Missionary Baptist Church

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We invite you to join our services each Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. on conference call. The conference call number is 609 663 0738 (This number is toll free)

Genesis 17:1-27
Intro: Some fourteen years had passed since God last spoke to Abraham. Not since his disobedience in the matter of Hagar had Abraham heard the voice of God. The times of His silence are most devastating when they come our way. We need to learn that our disobedience almost always brings His silence.

In this passage, the Lord speaks again. When He does it is to reveal even more of the details of His covenant with Abram. Here we have the opportunity to learn more about the faithfulness and work of God in the lives of His people. This passage allows us to catch a glimpse of The God of the Everlasting Covenant. As we look into the details of this passage, may take this opportunity to learn more about the God we serve. May we be reminded that He is a God Who keeps His Word and works out His will "according to the counsel of His own will.",(Eph. 1:11).

A. V. 1 A Revelation Of His Person - For the first time, God reveals Himself as "the Almighty God". This name is from the Hebrew name "El-Shaddai". It carries the idea of "Nourished; Strengthener; Satisfier." It identifies God as being the "All-sufficient One". There is tenderness in this name because the word "Shaddai" comes from the Hebrew word for "breast". Just as a baby receives strength and nourishment from its mother's breast, so the children of God receive all they need from the hand of the "Almighty God". (Note: Because God is "the Almighty God" He demands that His people walk before Him in "perfection". This is a command to walk in righteousness and holiness before Him, 1 Pet. 1:16.)

B. V. 2-4 A Revelation of His Promise - God simply reminds Abram of the promises He has made to him in the past. God will make of him a great nation and He will bless Abram. (Note: God's revelation and reminder cause Abram to fall at His feet in worship! Would to God the Lord's people would see His blessings as a catalyst to worship and praise.) (Note: v. 4 "As for me" indicates that this covenant is one-sided. God will bless Abram because He wants to! In other words, the covenant is good because it depends on God and not man! Thank God, our salvation is in His hands and not ours, 1 Pet. 1:5.)
C. V. 5 A Revelation Of His Plan - Here, Abram receives a name change. His name is changed from "Abram", which means "Exalted Father", to "Abraham" which means "Father of a Multitude". The reason for this lies in the fact that God has made Abraham the father of a numberless multitude. Of course, to Abraham it does not appear that this is the case. However from God's perspective, it is a done deal! Notice the words "I have made thee." Even though Abraham couldn't see it, God had already completed His plan through Abraham.

(Note: Life is never like we think it is! All we can see are the obstacles and the trials that we face in life. However, God sees our present as well as the future that He has already accomplished. The essence of faith is merely walking in the present, holding in your hands the things God has placed in the future, Heb. 11:1! Whatever you may be facing this evening, God has already taken care of it for you. You merely have to be patient until you arrive at that time where His provision is manifested. Ill. Elijah - at the dry brook and the widow's house - 1 Kings 17.)

Prayer Meeting with PEACE each Sunday on conference call at 6:00 p.m. (for only 30 minutes)

We will resume our normal services hours in our building when God and the science experts direct us.

Worship Services Each Sunday  
Early Morning services at 7:00 a.m. (Free Breakfast at 8:00 a.m.)
Sunday school at 10:00 a.m.
Regular Sunday Worship at 11:15 a.m.
Bible Study on each Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.

If you need prayer please call (229) 434-9138
“A Praying Church That Is Growing Through Faith, Love, and Generosity”

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